Estate Planning

Often difficult to bring up, estate planning is important. We will all pass, and those who survive us will have to deal with our ‘stuff’. To the extent we wish to provide direction, and/or create a legacy, and/or make things easier, we should make arrangements. Thankfully, this need not require much time.

We can help.

Procedurally, we can go through a checklist to minimize administrative headaches. Account beneficiaries, updated wills, setting up various powers of attorney as might be appropriate, and life insurance are among the topics we can explore.

Operationally, we can steer assets in a manner that minimizes taxes and maximizes wealth. Gifting strategies, creation of trusts to support heirs and/or charities, maximal usage of the unified tax credit, foresight in handling gains and prospective basis step up, and other tactics can all be examined; and when appropriate implemented.